Goals of PMG’s Batterer Intervention Programs Include the Following:
To hold Batterers accountable, and teach skills to facilitate behavior change,
Promote “Zero tolerance” of violent behavior,
Adequately assess victim safety and offer assistance where needed,
Coordinate services with victim services agencies and other providers.
Following a Domestic Violence Evaluation, individuals are recommended one of three levels of treatment as mentioned below.

Outpatient Group Treatment
Program Length: 14-26 sessions
It is designed to address acts of aggression between non-intimate parties.
No history of prior violence
No identified power and control issues
No significant violence involved in the incident

Outpatient Group Treatment
Program Length: 26 sessions.
This program utilizes a psycho-educational approach, and is designed to address attitudes, beliefs, and power and control tactics that form the basis of intimate partner violence and abuse.
Identified power and control issues
Violence or abuse limited to the domestic relationship without generalized violence, or significant mental health issues.

Outpatient Group Treatment
Program Length: 26-50 sessions
This program utilizes a psycho-educational approach, and is designed to address attitudes, beliefs, and power and control tactics that form the basis of intimate partner violence and abuse.
Criteria (at least one of the following):
Serious physical violence or severe injury to the victim
Use of a weapon
A history of violent criminal behavior
A serious co-occurring mental health or substance abuse disorder
Unique special needs